Damage to wooden surfaces can be divided into several categories:
Mechanical damage occurs as a result of the lifetime and existence of any furniture. This also applies to entrance doors that are made of solid wood, despite their strength and age of more than 80-90 years. These can be small chips of solid wood, dents and holes from impacts with various objects, and scratches of various sizes and depths.
Very often, the front door is damaged by pets, who enjoy biting and scratching the door. Some types of scratches can be longitudinal and transverse on the wood. Often, such injuries are the most difficult to repair. They damage the structure of the wood fibers, which is a more difficult task for the restorer, but solvable. A lot of painstaking work is required to restore such damaged areas.
Heat damage
These damages affect the top layer of the coating and can also affect the structure of the wood. Sometimes heat exposure deeply damages the wood fiber structure, and this is already a more difficult task for the restorer, but it can be solved.
Damage caused by natural aging
They can appear both on the surface of the varnish in the form of cracks and peeling of the varnish or paint, and in the structure of the wood in the form of drying cracks that occur due to aging and drying of the wood, such as also due to improper storage.